
A New Years Resolution Pep Talk


We are in the home stretch here for 2015 with less than two weeks before the New Year! Eeek! Is it just me or did this year FLY by.
I had a pretty incredible year with a 20 lbs weight loss, potty training a new puppy over the winter,settling into a new home and turning my passion into my own business.
But naturally as we end the year, I am reflecting. What went well, what areas can I improve in, how can I strengthen my relationships, what new things that freak me out that I didn’t do this year- that I can do NEXT year for real this time :)  
It’s an exciting time of year! A time where we can do the things we’ve always wanted to do. And although those ideas and things that we've always wanted to do, can happen at ANY time, there is something special and exciting about the momentum the New Year brings. If you are someone that wants to put their best foot forward in the New Year- please keep reading!
I wanted to write a piece on how to help you evaluate your year and how to set some resolutions (I call them GOALS) for the new year ahead. Not just how to set goals, but REALLY visualizing how it will feel to accomplish them and simple little check-ins you can do to reach the goal line.
I hope this helps you frame your mindset about how to think and dream bigger than you currently are. Because here's the deal- we are ALL so much more capable than what we think.
We are our own worst critics. I remember just a few days ago, I was talking to my husband and talking about 2015 and how I fell short on a few goals I set. And he looked at me and said, "Kat, you are wildly successful. Look at how far you have come. You're doing a business you love, you feel more confident and you have a family who loves you". Talk about a reality check! God I love that man.  So I'm going to be that person right now tell YOU that you are a success story! You have accomplished SO much and have so much more good to give!
Here’s the deal- we are ALL so much more capable than we think we are.  We have all of these limiting beliefs that we're not good enough, smart enough, don't have enough experience, that we could never have the confidence to start or let along finish. Those are just limiting beliefs and nothing more.

It's up to you on whether or not you want to keep listening to the same broken record or if you want to start believing that you CAN and do the work to get to where you want to be. Let's be real, a life with fear and uncertainty is no way to live! This is YOUR life- dress, talk, look, work and walk the way you want to. The saying is true- those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter. Ditch the nay sayers and drama makers and make room for those who are supporting you in your best success story.
So first up, we need to do some soul searching and really evaluate how 2015 went, what goal(s) you want to set for 2016 and what it will take to accomplish them. I know, this can be a bit overwhelming at first. Especially if you have had a few things go unplanned in the past.  But do yourself a favor and DON'T dwell on that. Don't be stuck on the past- prosper where you are planted and keep moving forward. You deserve to.

Answer these 5 questions:
1. What thoughts or past events have held me back from accomplishing my goals?
2. What new goal(s) can I introduce into my life that will help me be a more fully engaged, passionate person?
3. How will it feel and what will it look like when I reach that goal?
4. What are 3 things I can do each day to bring me closer to reaching that goal?
5. My perfect day every day would look like?
If you haven’t developed a habit for more self love in terms of filling your cup with positive things, then today is the day to START.
Personal development has straight up changed my life! I don't just quit tapping into personal development now just because I've had some success, I KEEP learning and growing and I think that is so important as we evolve as humans. I knew I was a bit skeptical at first with the whole concept of personal development, so please know if you feel that way, you are so not alone! But there is SO much negative in the world. Right? I mean we are in a digital society where we are overwhelmed with so much content- most being negative, so why not control part of your day by filling it with something positive? I see no harm in that whatsoever.
If you are new to personal development- here are a few ideas to get started:
1. "You Are A Badass"- Jenn Sinceo
2. "I Am That Girl"- Alexis Jones
3. "The Charged Life"- Brendon Burchard
4. Chalene Johnson podcast
5. Lewis Howes podcast
For your focus on positive influence-finish these two statements:
1. I will introduce ____________ for 15-20 minutes a day as a form of personal development to keep a positive mindset.
2. My daily affirmations will be_______________.
Example: I am smart, strong and beautiful. I am patient, kind and loving. 
You want your affirmation that will make you feel positive energy, make it something that inspires you and repeat this as many times a day as you need to. I like to start my day with repeating my affirmation a few times when I first wake up and I have a few different one I use throughout the day. Use them as often as you need to and I guarantee you will notice a big difference in your mood and productivity for the day!
I hope these tips are helpful! This is exactly what I'm doing for 2016 outlook. I am curious- what are your goals for 2016? 
Comment below and share so we can support one another on our 2016 adventure!
Love and health for a wonderful New Year,